Gnosis Holistic Institute


This resource was created intentionally by an independent group of academic writers. All students who want to write better research and term papers may feel free to use this resource on daily basis.

This resource works on principle of daily updates with tutorials and manuals for starters and advanced writers concentrating on basic struggles and elements of research and paper writing.


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What Is The Main Purpose Of A Term Paper Outline?

Creating a well-organized outline is one of the first and most essential steps towards composing an excellently written assignment. However, it’s a step that is often skipped by a number of students who find the exercise boring or simply don’t feel it makes much of a difference in terms of improving their written work. Here is a list for the main purpose of a term paper outline:

  1. It will make writing your term paper a lot easier. When you finally get down to composing your first draft you will know exactly where parts of your argument will go. And even though you do create an outline before starting, you aren’t bound to stick to that order and can always make revisions.
  2. It will make reading your term paper a lot easier. An academic piece that has structure will be easier to follow, meaning that our audience is more likely to remember your talking points and give you credit for presenting a well-thought-out argument.
  3. One of the main purposes for a great outline is to keep you focused on the task. First drafts are encouraged to be written in a manner that is efficient and quick. Keeping focus will keep people from wandering too far off-topic.
  4. Another major purpose is that it helps keep you motivated while writing your term paper. Regardless of the draft you are working on, you should be able to create writing sessions based around the sections of your outline.
  5. It helps keep your work balanced. One of the biggest problems students have with their writing assignments is that they can be quite unbalanced, with one argument clearly longer than other sections of the work. An organizational tool like this will keep your work balanced throughout.
  6. Organization will also ensure that you are thorough with your argument. The evidence points in support of your topic sentences and to a larger extent your thesis statement will make up the meat of your academic essay. The organization will guarantee you include enough valid arguments.

These are just a few reasons that point to the main purpose of creating an outline. Your term paper will be all the better for it and you’re bound to see your grades go up in no time. Develop this habit early and you will be spending a lot less time stressing about your assignment and getting great grades instead.

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